[Names have been changed to preserve anonymity]
Cathy was sentenced to six months for non- completion of Community Service and for breaching an ASBO. She is 24 years old and has one son, six years of age, who resides with her parents and they have full parental responsibility for him. There are no restrictions on contact between Cathy and her son.
Contact was initially made with her Father who was extremely anxious about an outstanding fine that Cathy had incurred and a letter had been received to say that if the arrears were not paid within seven days, a warrant would be issued. Circle contacted the court fine department and managed to negotiate payment at a small amount per fortnight.
Cathy had alcohol misuse issues and her flat was being used as a drinking den by many young people, most of whom considerably younger than Cathy who presents as quite vulnerable and immature for her age. Whilst Cathy was in prison, her flat was broken into three times and considerable damage was done.
Ken (Cathy’s Father) had many concerns regarding Cathy: that she would not change upon release from prison, e.g. not attend appointments; not pay her rent or buy food in order to buy drink and cannabis; have parties in her flat and rely on him too much financially when he had no income and was stretched to the limit.
He felt very stressed with all the problems his daughter has caused him and the family, and he welcomed Circle's assistance with everything. He said that before Circle came along came along he felt helpless and unsupported and was so grateful to have someone to talk to about everything.
Circle helped to liaise with the council to have a metal door fitted to secure the property and helped Cathy’s Father to tidy up the flat as much as possible. The Circle Mentor managed to secure furniture: a three piece suite, coffee table, wardrobe, single bed and a unit for Cathy’s flat along with a starter pack with towels, curtains, bedding and cutlery and collected several food parcels from the food bank. Circle also bought her an alarm clock and diary in order for her to be punctual for her appointments.
A lot of work has been on-going with Cathy to recognise the impact of her actions on her family and she discusses this very candidly, accepting the need to change her lifestyle and associates.
After her release from prison, Circle made appointments and accompanied Cathy to see a Money Advice Team which supported her immensely. The Circle worker also registered Ken with them as he was struggling financially and they have given him appropriate advice. He now receives benefits and is much better off.
Circle accompanied Cathy to the Skills for Success Employability Team Centre where she registered to compile a C.V., attend Interview Skills and application form sessions. Ken also registered with the Skills for Success Team.
Circle has taken Cathy and her son out for various activities including picnics and a trip to the Safari Park. More recently Cathy has attended the Venture Trust Next Steps week away and is currently attending Fairbridge. She is going to college to study Hairdressing. Her life is more stable, happy and she has remained out of trouble for over six months.
Cathy also sees her son on a daily basis.